
Abre la Biblia – Cursos

Una plataforma de aprendizaje que comparte cursos gratuitos sobre la vida cristiana y doctrina.

Do you want to grow in your service to the Lord? Whether you are leading a small group, teaching a Sunday school class, serving as a missionary, or pastoring a church… establishing deep roots in God’s Word is essential to serving effectively and glorifying the Lord.

Open the Bible Courses is a free video-based training platform designed to equip you with a solid biblical foundation and practical, actionable guidance for serving the Lord over the long haul. In addition, many participants say our courses have given them inspiration for their walk with God and refreshment when they’ve grown weary.

In Paul’s letters to Timothy, he provides commands that serve as the foundation for Open the Bible Courses content—watch your life, watch your doctrine, and stir up the gifts in you.

0 Parte del serie

Ten cuidado de ti mismo

Our lives can adorn the doctrine of the gospel or take away from it. For our lives to reflect God’s character and will for us, we must watch our lives closely (1 Timothy 4:16). Geared for leaders but accessible to every believer, Watch Your Life will equip you to grow in godliness, cultivate your walk with Christ, and battle key challenges that confront followers of Christ.

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3 Parte del serie

Un vuelo por la historia bíblica

El Vuelo es un viaje de 3 sesiones a través de la Biblia que te presentará 5 personas del Antiguo Testamento, 5 eventos de la vida de Cristo y 5 dones que Dios le da a cada cristiano. No importa cuánto sepas de la Biblia, «El Vuelo» es un gran lugar para comenzar.

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